Recognition of Higher Diploma and Associate Degree for Civil Service Appointment
Higher Diploma (HD) and Associate Degree (AD) are valuable standalone qualifications. Holders of such qualifications are fully prepared to take up jobs at elementary management and assistant professional levels. At present, 14 grades in the government set locally accredited HD or AD as the qualification requirement for their entry ranks. These grades are Ambulance Officer, Assistant Information Officer (Design) / (Photo), Assistant Leisure Services Manager II, Assistant Programme Officer, Health Inspector II, Immigration Officer, Inspector of Customs and Excise, Inspector of Police, Occupational Safety Officer II, Officer (Correctional Services), Operations Officer (Airworthiness), Police Translator II, Station Officer (Operational) / (Control) and Statistical Officer II.
Besides, sub-degree graduates are considered as having met the entry requirements of civil service grades requiring sub-degree or lower qualifications. On the whole, sub-degree graduates can apply for about 80 civil service grades. Please visit the section of "Job Opportunities" in the Civil Service Bureau's Homepage for further information.
Last Review Date: 19/03/2018