Talent Development Scholarship
Recipients in the 2022/23 Academic Year

Chan Chiu Ki Henry
Bachelor of Sports and Recreation Management with Honours
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
I am Henry Chan, an athlete of the Hong Kong Mountain Bike Team and a third-year student majoring in Sports and Recreation Management at Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
I have faced many challenges in my life. My parents divorced when I was in primary school, and during my junior secondary school years, I struggled with depression and felt lost in finding my goals and dreams. Fortunately, in Form Four, I discovered mountain biking, which completely transformed my life. I fell in love with the adrenaline rush of speeding through the mountains and the tranquillity that nature offered. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the city helped me overcome negative emotions and I found a new sense of purpose in aspiring to become a cyclist. Through arduous training day and night, I finally succeeded in joining the Hong Kong Mountain Bike Team in Form Five.
My journey as a cyclist has been far from smooth, filled with unexpected setbacks such as bike breakdowns during competitions, traffic incidents and accidental injuries. That said, I have been lucky enough to overcome these stumbling blocks with the encouragement and support from my like-minded teammates. Without them, I might not have persevered with my sporting dream. Whenever I face a difficulty, I learn about my weaknesses, which drives me to improve myself to ride out the challenge. Being a cyclist has taught me how to cope with frustrations and stress, and has helped me build stamina and steadfastness, traits that will serve me well in the future. After graduation, I hope to continue promoting cycling as a popular sport in Hong Kong, so that more people can reap its benefits and lead healthier lives.
I am truly honoured to have been awarded the Talent Development Scholarship, which recognises my endeavours as a cyclist and motivates me to continue pursuing my dream of sporting excellence. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my coaches, Mr MAK Ho-lun and Mr CHAN Chun-hing, who have generously supported and guided me on my life journey and career path. I am also deeply thankful to my secondary school teachers who encouraged me to take up cycling. Without their enthusiastic assistance, I would not be the person I am today.
Engaging in mountain biking has been a turning point in my life. It has taught me that even when the road ahead is filled with uncertainties and adversities, we can navigate the bumpy ride towards success with courage and faith. In closing, I would like to leave you with a quote that has inspired me: “Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on towards the goal.”
Last Review Date: 03/07/2023