Reaching Out Award
Recipients in the 2012/13 Academic Year

LEE Wing Yu
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language and Literature
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
It is my pleasure to be selected by the committee of Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund and to become the award winner of 2012/13. With the support of the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund, students are given the chance to participate in international exchange activities that are precious opportunities to broaden our horizons. I used the scholarship to join the Taiwan exchange program which was co-organized by the Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University and the National Taiwan University Student Union. I was able to acquaint myself with the history and culture of Taiwan as well as the development in information technology.
During the trip, I had ample opportunities to communicate with the students and staff in National Taiwan University. I also learned more about the education policy in Hong Kong and Taiwan, understand the changes of Taiwanese over time as well as the development of the entertainment industry. I am glad that I had the opportunity to join this trip and admire this beautiful place from different perspectives.
For details, please see the Activity Report of the Reaching Out Activity.

Rihanna LEE On Lan
Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication
Hong Kong Polytechnic University – School of Professional Education and Executive Development
This 2-month journey to USA is an amazing and unforgettable story to me. I am so glad that I have tried a lot of new things there, like the first time to take a 15-hour direct flight, the first time to leave family and stay in an unfamiliar place by myself, the first time to study in a very high-ranking university – The University of California, Berkeley and more importantly, it is the first time for me to step into the country I have longed for, America.
I also met a lot of friends from different countries like Korea, Taiwan, Russia and of course the native from school. Later, I also participated in the Church activities of Berkeley and met a lot of Hong Kong friends. They were so friendly to me and always brought me to dine out and tried a lot of delicious dishes. They have made my journey unforgettable and left me a lot of beautiful memories.
I love Berkeley a lot. Every passer-by was very passionate and smile at me. The air was fresh. The beautiful sunshine always light up my days. And everyone here has the discipline to conserve and protect the environment.
For details, please see the Activity Report of the Reaching Out Activity.

CHU Bo Yee Sandy
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English for the Professions
City University of Hong Kong
Having taken part in Model United Nations (MUN) since my first year in the university, I have been taking different roles in my own MUN club and other MUN conferences. Since it comes to my last year in the university, the opportunity of going to a large-scale academic conference becomes rare. Here comes a valuable source to give me support to go to one of the largest European MUN conferences, London International Model United Nations 2013 (LIMUN 2013).
LIMUN 2013 was a great experience to me. If my first MUN has brought me to know the world, then LIMUN 2013 has brought me to think more about the world. The delegates have raised different ideas, concerns or solutions, which I have never considered, and they definitely have carried out an all-rounded research. The conference was like a court, I can also learn from the delegates for not only the views and knowledge but also the way they persuade, debate, present and argue.
The journey has not only enriched my learning experience in MUN, but also widened my horizons. The friends I made have helped shape my understanding of a place, a country, a culture or a social situation somewhere in the world, which I may or I may not have visited.
LIMUN has once again reaffirmed my belief: “The more you see and know, the higher level of recognition you gain.”
For details, please see the Activity Report of the Reaching Out Activity.
Last Review Date: 06/12/2017