Seminar on Closer Alignment between Post-secondary Education Institutions and Industries
Given the strategic importance for the future development of the post-secondary education and the training of our workforce, the Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education (CSPE) organized “The Seminar on Closer Alignment between Post-secondary Education Institutions and Industries” (the Seminar) on 30 October 2013 aiming to serve as a spur to promote exchanges between institutions and industries.
The Seminar, with over 400 participants from various industries and institutions providing full-time locally-accredited post-secondary programmes at sub-degree and undergraduate levels, is one of the CSPE’s key work programmes in 2013.
Representatives of post-secondary institutions and industries were invited by the CSPE to attend the Seminar. Industry representatives from the logistics, banking, retail and engineering industries and relevant course operators were invited to share views on how to foster closer alignment between industries and institutions so that post-secondary education can effectively contribute to the economic development of Hong Kong and meet the needs of employers.
Last Review Date: 06/12/2017