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Code of Good Practices on Governance and Quality Assurance

The self-financing sector is an integral part of the post-secondary education in Hong Kong. It plays an important role in broadening the opportunities and choices for further education, thereby providing quality, diversified and flexible pathways with multiple entry and multiple exit points for secondary school leavers. The community naturally expects that post-secondary education institutions, both publicly-funded and self-financing, are able to provide quality nurture to our younger generation. Moreover, although the self-financing post-secondary institutions do not receive recurrent subvention from the Government, the Government has implemented various measures to support the healthy and sustainable development of the self-financing post-secondary sector. There is expectation in the community for transparency in operation and accountability to the public of these institutions.


While self-financing post-secondary institutions are diverse in size, character and mission, good governance and quality assurance are of pivotal importance to the healthy and sustainable development of the self-financing sector. It is with these objectives that the Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education promulgated the ensuing Code of Good Practices for adoption on a voluntary basis by self-financing institutions.


The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications was commissioned to conduct a study to understand the extent of adoption of the Code in the self-financing post-secondary sector after one year of implementation. The study results are available below.


Reference Papers

Press Releases


Last Review Date: 06/12/2017