To support the healthy and sustainable development of the self-financing post-secondary sector, particularly those institutions offering full-time locally-accredited post-secondary programmes, the Government has implemented a basket of support measures, including:
Land sites and vacant government premises are granted at nominal premium and leased at nominal rent respectively to non-profit making institutions for the operation of full-time and / or part-time locally accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes.
Land Grant Scheme
Course providers of full-time locally-accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes may apply for interest-free loans under the Start-up Loan Scheme.
Start-up Loan Scheme
Recognising the importance of Qualifications Framework in maintaining a quality workforce, the Chief Executive announced in the 2014 Policy Address to establish a dedicated fund of $1 billion, namely the QF Fund, to provide a steady source of income to support the sustainable development and implementation of QF.
Qualifications Framework Fund
The Chief Executive announced in the 2010-11 Policy Address to establish a $2.5 billion Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund to support worthwhile initiatives and schemes that aim to enhance the quality of self-financing post-secondary education.
Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund
As a policy and funding instrument, Matching Grant Schemes help institutions secure more funds for better quality education, and while fund-raising, also enhance institutions’ dialogues with other sectors of the community and over time, to help foster a philanthropic culture.
Matching Grant Scheme
The Government injected $3 billion to the Fund to support the self-financing degree sector in enhancing its academic and research development. Investment income of the Fund is used to operate three research funding schemes that cater for the needs of the self-financing degree sector.
Research Endowment Fund
The Government policy on student finance is to ensure that no students are deprived of education due to lack of means. At present, financial assistance is provided through the following schemes to local students pursuing full-time locally-accredited self-financing sub-degree / degree programmes.
Student Finance
Non-profit-making post-secondary institutions providing accredited self-financing programmes can apply for reimbursement of government rents and rates.
Reimbursement of Government Rents and Rates
Since the 2015/16 academic year, the Government introduced SSSDP to subsidise students to pursue designated self-financing undergraduate programmes, providing diversified and flexible pathways for secondary school graduates.
Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors
The Government provides a non-means-tested annual subsidy for eligible students pursuing full-time locally-accredited self-financing undergraduate (including top-up degree) programmes in Hong Kong.
Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in HK
The ESGS provides financial support for institutions to develop and enhance programmes that meet market needs but require high start-up costs.
Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme for Self-financing Post-secondary Education
The application period of the Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme is over. The Quality Enhancement Support Scheme has been established under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund in order to continue support the enhancement of the teaching and learning quality of the sector.
Last Review Date: 14/12/2020