Government Policy
It is the Government’s policy to support the parallel development of the publicly-funded and self-financing post-secondary education sectors. The self-financing sector plays an important role in broadening the opportunities and choices for further education, thereby providing quality, diversified and flexible pathways with multiple entry and multiple exit points for school leavers.
The self-financing sector also helps diversify our higher education sector and is conducive to Hong Kong’s further development as a regional education hub. By responding quickly to changing society needs, the self-financing sector plays a pivotal role in upgrading the quality of the human resources in Hong Kong by offering a wide array of continuing and professional education and lifelong learning opportunities for our workforce and the community at large.
The Government attaches great importance to the quality of post-secondary programmes offered by both publicly-funded and self-financing institutions. A robust quality assurance mechanism for the self-financing post-secondary sector has been put in place.
The Government ensures that no post-secondary students in Hong Kong will be denied access to education because of means. In this regard, the Student Finance Office administers several publicly-funded financial assistance schemes.
Last Review Date: 29/04/2019