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Contact Information

AddressSecretariat, Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education, 7/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong

Telephone No.3509 7421

Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education

Related Information:

Membership List

Terms of Reference

The Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education shall, in the light of the community’s needs, advise the Secretary for Education on:

  1. macro and strategic issues of common interest to the self-financing post-secondary education sector, including quality enhancement and strategic coordination of the positioning and development of self-financing post-secondary institutions;

  2. support for and regulation of the self-financing post-secondary education sector; and

  3. any issues relating to post-secondary education which the Education Bureau may from time to time refer to the Committee.

In discharging its functions, the Committee may set up sub-committees, conduct studies, engage professional services and co-opt members as and when necessary.

Last Review Date: 14/05/2021