Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education
Membership List
Ir Dr Alex CHAN Siu-kun, SBS
Mrs Cindy CHOW LOK Mei-ki
Professor Ronald CHUNG Chi-kit
Ms Florence CHUNG Wai-yee
Ms Jacqueline Alee LEUNG, JP
Ms Carrie LEUNG Ka-lai, MH
Ms Lorraine LO Chun-yu
Professor LUI Yu-hon, MH
Professor PONG Ting-chuen
Dr Michael SPENCE*
Professor Julia TAO LAI Po-wah
Professor WONG Kwok-yin
Mr Rex WONG Siu-han, JP
Ms WONG Siu-ling
Professor XU Ningsheng*
Ir Andrew YOUNG Meng-cheung
Ir Professor Richard YUEN Kwok-kit
Chairman of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications or his representative
Chairman of University Grants Committee or his representative
Deputy Secretary for Education (1)
* non-local members
Principal Assistant Secretary (Further Education)
Last Review Date: 04/11/2024