Programmes with CAT arrangements at institutional level
Hong Kong Design Institute, Vocational Training Council; Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council; Shenzhen Polytechnic University
職業訓練局香港知專設計學院; 職業訓練局香港專業教育學院; 深圳職業技術大學
QR Registration
No. |
Title of
Qualification |
QF Level and Credit |
CAT Info |
22/000090/L4 |
Higher Diploma in Building Services Engineering 屋宇裝備工程學高級文慿 |
Level/級別: 4 |
22/000091/L4 |
Diploma in Electrical Engineering |
Level/級別: 4 |
22/000092/L4 |
Diploma in Fashion Design |
Level/級別: 4 |
22/000093/L4 |
Diploma in Games and Animation |
Level/級別: 4 |
22/000094/L4 |
Diploma in Hotel and Catering Management |
Level/級別: 4 |
23/000244/L4 |
Higher Diploma in Business Administration 工商管理學高級文憑 |
Level/級別: 4 |
23/000245/L4 |
Higher Diploma in Business with E-Commerce 商業(電子商貿)高級文憑 |
Level/級別: 4 |
23/000246/L4 |
Higher Diploma in Global Business Management with Languages 環球商業管理及語言高級文憑 |
Level/級別: 4 |
Last Update/最後更新: 25/11/2024
The information contained herein is generated from the Qualifications Register (QR) and is provided by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in its statutory capacity as the QR Authority. The information is updated on a quarterly basis only and if you wish to access real-time and/or additional information, please visit the QR website at
本頁載列的資料由香港學術及職業資歷評審局(評審局)作為資歷名冊當局的法定地位提供及轉載自資歷名冊。載列的資料按季度更新,如需實時/ 或更多的資料,請瀏覽資歷名冊網頁 。